Guardiola: “It's a classic between the two teams in recent years”

1 mois

Pep Guardiola and Rodri spoke to the media in the press room at the Santiago Bernabéu the day before the first leg clash of the Champions League quarter-finals (Tuesday, 9pm CEST). The coach had the following to say: “We want to know Real Madrid's strengths and counter them. Bellingham played against us for Borussia Dortmund and his head is what makes the difference. He has come to a club with exceptional players and with Ancelotti, who has found his ideal position for him. He's had a great season and scored a lot of goals, he's 20 years old and has an incredible career ahead of him.”
“It's a classic between the two teams in recent years. The matches at the Santiago Bernabéu are long and we expect different parts of the same game. Everyone knows the strength of their transitions with ViniciusValverde and Bellingham.”
Santiago Bernabéu
“Playing at the Bernabéu always feels tough. As a player and coach I've been here many times and this type of ground is special.”
Rodri: “We know each other very well and it'll be a tough game”
“We come here at one of the best moments of the season. We're always going to face the favourites. We know each other very well and it'll be a tough game tomorrow. They're always favourites, especially at home.”
“We're up against a Real Madrid team that plays differently, controls the midfield more and has more resources. They're very powerful, they have a lot of quality from the second line and we're expecting a tough game at the Bernabéu. We've played them a lot, they're powerful and clinical. We can't focus on just one player.”
Real Madrid’s resources
“We're up against the team that has won the most trophies in this competition. Madrid have direct players who can do damage. BellinghamVinicius and Rodrygo appear in the final third of the pitch and are full of running. I like to see big players like Kroos, he's the one who dictates the rhythm of Real Madrid's play.”

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