Y-3 and Real Madrid present new travel clothing collection

2 mois

Designer Yohji Yamamoto's Y-3 clothing label and Real Madrid have unveiled a new travel clothing collection. After marking the club's 120th anniversary with a special kit for the 2021/22 season, the two brands are teaming up once again to bring Yohji Yamamoto's own unique perspective to one of the world's most decorated teams with a seven-piece collection.

Modelled on Real Madrid and Y-3's signature monochromatic colour theme, the collection consists of a elegant selection of garments in black. Crafted at the nexus of tailoring and sportswear, it includes a short-sleeved polo shirt, a long-sleeved polo shirt, shorts, sweatpants, a sports shirt, a training top and a premium faux leather jacket. All garments are made from soft sports fabrics and feature Yamamoto's handwritten signature and the Real Madrid badge.

From 8 March, Real Madrid's Y-3 travel clothing collection will be available worldwide at  and through selected retailers.

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